Six basic tips on search engine optimization (SEO)

Six basic tips on search engine optimization (SEO)

Web positioning in search engines or SEO is a key factor for the success of any company that wants to have a presence on the Internet. Appearing in Google search results for certain terms will bring us customers potentially interested in our products or services.

To achieve this, there are certain techniques that, when used properly, can make us appear in the top positions of the searches that most interest us.

These techniques or procedures are not complicated at all, so I encourage you to try them yourself and see the results.

These are my 6 basic SEO tips for good search engine positioning

Think Carefully About The Title Of Each Page

The title is the most important. Both the reader, who will often decide whether or not to visit your page based solely on the title, and the search engines, consider this aspect the most important part of a page.

Have you noticed that in any search, in the first results, the title of the displayed pages matches that search? Try it and you will see how important it is. Therefore, if you are interested in appearing for a specific term, use that term in the title, and you will have many points earned. When writing the title, be brief, Google only shows 65 characters.

Use the keywords at the beginning, this will give them more weight. But remember, you write the title to be read by people, so it must be descriptive and grab the user’s attention.

Choose A Domain That Is Short, Descriptive, And Easy To Pronounce/Remember

The choice of the domain is also an important point at the positioning level. If we have a domain that matches a search in which we are interested in appearing, we have gained a lot of ground. In fact, if it matches exactly and our website is relevant, it will be difficult for us not to appear on the first page of the results.

Nor should you choose a name that is too long or difficult to remember, since direct visits are also important. Regarding the extension, .com is the best considered, followed by .net and .org. On the other hand, if your business activity is aimed solely at the Spanish public, choosing a .es domain would be just as valid (or even better) than .com for this territory.

The age of the domain is also a factor that is taken into account, although I would not consider it vitally important. The longer the domain has been registered, the more seriously the search engines will give to the project, and therefore they will position it better. You can buy a domain that is a few years old or you can let your age. You know, domains, like fine wine, get better with age.

Use Friendly URLs

In the second, both the user and the search engine can understand what the article is talking about, while in the first, not.

Also, using friendly URLs will allow you to maintain a web structure that will be clear to everyone. Of course, having the keywords for which we want to rank in the URL will help us to climb positions.

Use The Description Of Each Page

Much like the titles, the descriptions of each page are displayed in the search results, giving the user an idea of ​​​​what they can find if they click on our link. Google and the rest of the search engines also attach great importance to this aspect, so it is essential to have good descriptions on each of our pages.

Descriptions should be short (160-180 characters) but should contain the keywords we want to appear for. Use these words at the beginning of the description to give it more relevance, you can even repeat them once (no more) in the same description.

Create A Sitemap And Submit It To Google Webmaster Tools

Create a SiteMap to facilitate the work of both users and search engine robots, which visit your website periodically to index pages or new content. A good structure of the map will ensure that the indexing of the internal pages is carried out correctly.

To speed up this process, it is highly recommended to make use of Google webmaster tools and submit your sitemap so that Google can get a better idea of ​​the structure you want your website to have.

Get External Links, Make Them Talk About You

A few years ago, getting links to your website was a heavy but relatively easy task. Each link was like a vote for your website. Some links were more valuable than others, but basically, the more you had, the more relevance your site gained, so signing up for as many directories as possible or exchanging links with as many people as possible was a pretty effective method. But now things have changed.

Today, Google, in its eagerness to show the best possible results, has improved its algorithm making these practices no longer barely effective. From now on and looking to the future, natural links will be awarded, links that come from websites in our same sector or links that arise from social networks where we have a certain presence. So the strategy to follow is to write good articles, share or promote yourself on social networks to create some activity, or get some digital media to talk about us and of course, link us. Use Twitter and Facebook to forward your posts.

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